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C# 12 updates - ref readonly

In C# 12, Microsoft has added the ref readonly parameter modifier.

C# 12 updates - Primary Constructor

For those of you coming for Javascript or Kotlin, you're going to love this new feature. Set your member variables through a primary constructor.

C# 12 updates - Introduction

A couple of weeks ago Microsoft has released C# 12 which packed a lot of new features. In the upcoming weeks I'll be diving into these update and writing about it.

Releasing Upset

I've been struggling with my work laptop which meant that I had to reinstall everything a couple of times. So, offcourse I wrote an application to automate this process.

Naming your automations

Keep your automations yaml clean by adding names to each automation.

Keep your automations clean

Keep your automations overview clean by adding multiple automations in the same yaml-file.