Category advent-of-code-2022
Get the first character after the start of packet marker from the stream.
Find the start of packet marker in the data stream.
Turn the input into a stream returned from a signal.
Execute the instructions to move the cargo from one stack to another in the same order.
Execute the instructions to move the cargo from one stack to another.
Turn the input into a list of stacks and another list of operations for the crane.
Find the compartments that overlap completely between the different assignments.
Find the compartments that overlap between the different assignments.
Turn the input into a list of assigned compartments for the elves to unload.
Find the item type that is common between two or more elves.
Find the same items that are stored in the two compartments of each rucksack.
Turn the input into a list of rucksacks.
Calculate the strategy we need to play to get the expected outcome based on our opponents move.
Get the outcome of each rock-paper-scissors match.
Turn the input into a list of rock-paper-scissor games.
Calculate which elve is carrying the most calories
Count the calories that each elve is carrying
Parse the input for day one into a table of elves.
In the next couple of weeks I'll be working on last years Advent of Code to get a better understanding of Kotlin.
Category kotlin
How to fix the Empty Char Literal error messages in Kotlin.
Category backpacking
The second leg of our Pieterpad vacation will take us to another province. All the way from Swolgen to Vierlingsbeek.
Because our trip to Sweden was cut short, we decided to start walking the Pieterpad for two weeks. Our first leg in those two weeks was Venlo to Swolgen.
We've walked the first leg of the Pieterpad in April, in the Netherlands around this time of the year there's still a reasonable chance that it might freeze at night.
Last summer my girlfriend and I decided to go backpacking in the wilderness of Sweden for three weeks. But because of Hans, this turned out in one night and one day.
The Pieterpad is one the most well known long distance trails of the Netherlands. It spans the entire length of the country from the far south all the way to the north.
Since it's almost summer time in the Netherlands, it's time to plan the summer vacation. This year it's going to be backpacking in Sweden.
Category pieterpad
The second leg of our Pieterpad vacation will take us to another province. All the way from Swolgen to Vierlingsbeek.
Because our trip to Sweden was cut short, we decided to start walking the Pieterpad for two weeks. Our first leg in those two weeks was Venlo to Swolgen.
We've walked the first leg of the Pieterpad in April, in the Netherlands around this time of the year there's still a reasonable chance that it might freeze at night.
The Pieterpad is one the most well known long distance trails of the Netherlands. It spans the entire length of the country from the far south all the way to the north.
Category security
As a software developer it's important to keep your software safe and up-to-date, but can you rest assured that your dependencies are safe and up-to-date as well?
Category software
I've been struggling with my work laptop which meant that I had to reinstall everything a couple of times. So, offcourse I wrote an application to automate this process.
Gat a grip on the versions of the dependencies your using by visualizing a generated CycloneDX SBOM file.
Category cmake
Build a stand-alone Windows executable of your Qt application using CMake.
Build a stand-alone Windows executable of your Qt application using CMake.
Use the same CMake target from one folder in another (sub)directory using CMake's include function.
Category google-home
Keep your automations yaml clean by adding names to each automation.
Keep your automations overview clean by adding multiple automations in the same yaml-file.
Keep your Philips Hue smart plug turned on even when you ask Google to turn off all the lights.
Cleanup your automations by controlling multiple lights in the same step.
Upgrade your automations by adding an OR condition.
Make your Google Home even smarter by adding an AND condition to your custom automation.
Category c-sharp
Have you ever wanted to test if a solution or algorithm you've written or refactored is performing faster than the previous iteration? In this post, we'll take a look at how you can use the BenchmarkDotNet library to write benchmarks for your C# code.
C# 12 finally introduces some new syntactical suger that I'm eager to use in production because it improves the readability of the code.
In C# 12, Microsoft has added the ability to specify default values for your lambda parameters.
In C# 12, Microsoft has added the ref readonly parameter modifier.
For those of you coming for Javascript or Kotlin, you're going to love this new feature. Set your member variables through a primary constructor.
A couple of weeks ago Microsoft has released C# 12 which packed a lot of new features. In the upcoming weeks I'll be diving into these update and writing about it.
Category miscellaneous
When using Linux pipelines in your development process, it might happen that you need to execute a script. However, sometimes these scripts don't have the right permissions to be executed.
Copy the contents of the yank operation from vim to your clipboard when using any Intellij IDE.
Category windows
Install Oh My Posh on Windows to customize your Powershell.
Category android
When your app supports multiple languages using the string resources, it's pretty assumable that at some point you'll be needing a string that is different for multiple amounts. In this blogpost we'll be discussing the solution on how to achieve this.
During your development phase, you'd like everything that can be automated to be automated. This also goes for your UI testing, you can either click through the UI yourself, our let the test runner do that for you.
When developing an Android app, you're likely to iterate through multiple UIs. When going through this process you don't want to build and run your app every iteration, for this you can use previews in Android Studio.
The user base for your application includes multiple nationalities, so why don't you update your app to allow for multiple languages?
You've just set up Jetpack Compose, and now you want to make your app look like a native Android app. This is just as simple as setting up Material Design and updating your UI components.
You've just set up Jetpack Compose, but how do you properly separate the UI from the business logic? This is were Android has you covered with View Models.
In Android development, the new standard for building UI's is Jetpack Compose. But how do you actually set it up for your application?
Have you ever wanted to build your own Android app? We'll in this story we're going to dive straight into the details on how to do this!
Category benchmark
Have you ever wanted to test if a solution or algorithm you've written or refactored is performing faster than the previous iteration? In this post, we'll take a look at how you can use the BenchmarkDotNet library to write benchmarks for your C# code.
Category dotnet
Have you ever wanted to test if a solution or algorithm you've written or refactored is performing faster than the previous iteration? In this post, we'll take a look at how you can use the BenchmarkDotNet library to write benchmarks for your C# code.